Alliance Building
For the development of the marginal and indigent community in the state, NYSASDRI is continually attempting to collaborate with different stakeholders of social development process. Through its varieties of programmes and projects, it link up with different departments and ministries of the state and central governments, other NGOs, Panchayati Raj bodies and other like minded individuals for ensuring optimum effectiveness of developmental initiatives. The organisation has developed association with UN bodies, including the UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund), UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund), DFID (Department for International Development, UK),

IFH (International Family Health), FPAI (Family Planning Association of India), Action Aid India International, XIMB (Xavier Institute of Management Bhubaneswar), XISS (Xavier Institute of Social Service), CINI (Child in Need Institute), GAA (German Agro Action), Interact Worldwide, DIK (Deutsch - Indisches Kinderhilfswerk e.V.), European Commission, OVHA (Odisha Voluntary Health Association), VHAI (Voluntary Health Association of India), VANI (Voluntary Action Network India), IFS (International Federation of Settlements & Neighborhood Centres), CAPART (Council for Advancement of Peoples Action & Rural Technology), and other state and district level government and non-government agencies and also with several research and academic institutions. NYSASDRI has also extended collaboration with grassroots people's organisations for better presence among the community.

Collaboration with the Government
NYSASDRI as a responsible developmental agency maintains a cordial relationship with the Districts and State administration. It regularly updates the district and state levels government agencies about the programmes undertaken. It has a collaborative relationship with various ministries at central government level for implementation of its projects. In due course of involvements, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Ministry of Human Resources and Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment have been supporting community development activities. Central government agencies like CAPART and CSWB also assist NYSASDRI's endeavour for addressing social problems.
Affiliation & Alliances with other Agencies/Forums:
NYSASDRI is also associated with several national, international and local Agencies and Networks as mentioned below:-
International Level
The United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI/ NGO)
Member of Vision 2020, an organization formed by IABP and the World Health Organization (WHO)
International Federation of Settlements and Neighbourhood Centres (IFS)
Amnesty International
National Level
Voluntary Action Network India (VANI)
Voluntary Health Association of India (VHAI)
Indian Network of NGOs (INN) on HIV/AIDS.
Jan Adhikar Abhiyan (JAA)
Campaign Against Child Labour (CACL)
Campaign on Survival and Dignity (CSD)
Consumer Education and Research Centre, Ahmedabad
Family Planning Association of India (FPAI)
Indian Youth Committee Organization (IYCO)
Indian Society for Community Education
Centre for Advancement Philanthropy
State and District Level
Public-Private Partnership (PPP) with the government of Odisha
Committee for Legal Aid to Poor (CLAP)
Odisha Vikas Manch (OVM)
District Blindness Control Society, Dhenkanal, Odisha
Odisha Voluntary Health Association (OVHA)
Odisha State Consumer Forum
Jana Adhikar Abhijan (JAA)
About Us
What We Are
Team Members
Governing Body
Director's Message
Alliance Building