IFH (International Family Health), FPAI (Family Planning Association of India), Action Aid India International, XIMB (Xavier Institute of Management Bhubaneswar), XISS (Xavier Institute of Social Service), CINI (Child in Need Institute), GAA (German Agro Action), Interact Worldwide, DIK (Deutsch - Indisches Kinderhilfswerk e.V.), European Commission, OVHA (Odisha Voluntary Health Association), VHAI (Voluntary Health Association of India), VANI (Voluntary Action Network India), IFS (International Federation of Settlements & Neighborhood Centres), CAPART (Council for Advancement of Peoples Action & Rural Technology), and other state and district level government and non-government agencies and also with several research and academic institutions. NYSASDRI has also extended collaboration with grassroots people's organisations for better presence among the community. |